Clothespin Letter Match – Improve Fine Motor Skills, Teach the Alphabet

Posted on December 7th, 2010 by Carolyn Hart in Ways to Help Children Learn the Alphabet

Clothespin Letter Match, an alphabet learning game for homeschool or kindergarten by Storytime Standouts

Use wooden or plastic clothespins and a permanent ink pen to create an inexpensive alphabet matching and/or ABC “order” activity, Clothespin Letter Match.

Storytime Standouts shares an easy to make alphabet learning game for homeschool or kindergarten

To make your own Clothespin Letter Match, begin by printing one letter on each clothespin. I hold the clothespin in my hand and point the open jaws away from me when I do this. When the activity is complete, have your child “pin” the clothespin to the matching letter or picture.

I’ve made several of these over the years. I particularly like the plastic clothespins because they often come in a variety of colours. One of the activities I made uses four strips of coloured cardstock (four different colours), clothespins in the same four colours and an alphabet border (cut into four pieces). I glue the alphabet border to the cardstock , laminate the cardstock and then print the matching letters onto the clothespins. Using four different colours makes it a manageable activity for young children. Some children will “match” the letters while others will use their knowledge of the alphabet to put the clothespins in ABC order. Either way, it is an alphabet recognition activity with the added bonus of using fine motor skills to manipulate the clothespins successfully.

Use an alphabet border like this to create a learning game for homeschool or kindergartenThis is very similar to the alphabet border I used for the clothespin letter match activity.

Alphabet Border at

Use colorful plastic clothespins to create an alphabet learning game for homeschool or kindergartenPlastic clothespins at

Note: clothespins are not toys and can be taken apart quite easily. Please provide adult supervision.

Hover over the photo for a description of the activity. Click on the photo to read the full post

Alphabet Learning Game for Small Groups by Storytime StandoutsLearning to Match Uppercase and Lowercase Letters by Storytime StandoutsA tactile alphabet learning game for homeschool and kindergarten

Helping children decide if a letter is a b or dStorytime Standouts shares an easy to make alphabet game for homeschool or preschoolActivities to do with magnetic letters from Storytime StandoutsStorytime Standouts Free Printable Alphabets and Games for Learning Letters

We invite you to follow Storytime Standouts’ Alphabet Craft Board on Pinterest

Follow Storytime Standouts’s board Alphabet Crafts on Pinterest.

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