Magnetic Letters Covering Your Fridge? Learning Games to Try

Magnetic Letters – Learning fun for preschool and kindergarten

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If your refrigerator is dotted with magnetic letters, you’ll want to try one or more of these activities with your child…If your fridge is not covered with magnetic letters – a tray and plastic letters should work fine.
- Ask you child to sort the letters by shape: those with curvy lines (letters S, C, etc.) , straight lines (letters H, I, K, etc.) and a mixture of curvy and straight lines (letters B, D, P, etc.) This will draw your child’s attention to how letters are alike (and different)
- Play ‘I Spy With My Little Eye.’ Give your child clues: ‘I spy a letter that has just one curvy line and no straight lines.”
- Use the magnetic letters to print a word on the fridge. Ask your child to point to the first letter in the word and name it, the middle letter in the word and so on. Once you have talked about the word, scramble the letters and have your child put them back together in the right order.
- Ask your child to put the letters in ABC order or redro sdrawkcab CBA .
- For a child who is reading three and four letter words, use the magnetic letters to print a word like ‘CAT.’ Substitute other consonants at the beginning of the word (B,F,H,M,P,R,S) or at the end of the word (B,N,P,R). Nonsense words are okay, too. Ask your child to read each of the new words.
- For a child who is reading three and four word sentences, have your child read a sentence and then scramble the letters or the words. Have your child put it back together in the right order.
- Challenge your older child to solve a melubj (jumble).
I’m sure there are many more ways to play and learn with magnetic letters. Please share your ideas!
Magnetic Letters at
Some of our Most Popular Alphabet Recognition Posts
Hover over the photo for a description of the activity. Click on the photo to read the full post

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