Welcome to the Storytime Standouts Community

We hope you will enjoy Storytime Standouts’ free early childhood learning printables for preschool, kindergarten and homeschool.
Please also check our book recommendations for topics that are important to children, families and communities.
We regularly add new content to Storytime Standouts and we are proud to say that we offer more than two hundred free learning downloads for teachers and parents to use with children. As well, we have written hundreds of posts about special children’s books.
We are especially interested in
anti-bullying picture books,
picture books about caring for our environment ,
wordless picture books and
picture books that celebrate diversity.
We hope you will enjoy StorytimeStandouts.com and we are especially grateful for referrals. Please let your friends and family know about this website.
Thank you and happy reading!
Carolyn Hart
Storytime Standouts
Raising Children Who Love to Read
Facebook facebook.com/StorytimeStandouts/
Free Printable Alphabets for Preschool and Kindergarten
Storytime Standouts offers a variety of free alphabets in PDF format for children in preschool, kindergarten and the early primary grades. We have grouped the alphabets together and you will find all of the free alphabets here. We suggest using the alphabets to make matching games, help a child to learn alphabetical order and/or letter sounds or decorate a bulletin board.
Free Printable Writing Paper for Children
Storytime Standouts offers free writing paper for children who are learning to print and write, visit our Writing Paper for Kids page to see the entire collection. We hope you will use the interlined paper to inspire young writers.
We have tried to match seasonal themes and the sort of topics a kindergarten or grade one child might write about. We regularly add writing paper to the website.
Free Printable Songs, Rhymes, Chants and Fingerplays for Preschool and Kindergarten
Use these songs, rhymes, chants and fingerplays with children in preschool, kindergarten and early primary grades. We have grouped them together on our Songs, Rhymes, Chants and Fingerplays page. We regularly add new songs, rhymes and chants to the website. We try to anticipate your interests and early childhood classroom themes.
If you would like to suggest a song, rhyme or fingerplay, please contact us using the email link.
Free Word Family Printables for Beginning Readers
These word family printables are great for young children who are learning to read. We have grouped them together on our Word Family page.
For a beginning reader, discovering that cot, dot, hot, pot and rot are related is exciting. Children who are just learning to sound out words will be thrilled to learn that they can substitute the beginning sound and read three, four or more related words. We view word families as a great springboard for beginning readers.
Free Printable Picture Dictionaries for Home and School
Helpful for beginning readers and writers, these picture dictionaries are all together on our Picture Dictionaries page. We know young children get a great sense of satisfaction from using pictures to help them decode words. With these picture dictionaries, they can read a series of related words or they use the words to write a story.
I work with preschoolers although I am not a trained teacher. Just a concerned parent for the children where I live. I love your site. It’s a great resource. How can I work in association with you guys?
By this I mean, for example, I have just set up a 3 year old class for around 20 kids. I am not sure what their curriculum entails? Could you help me out? I plan to use your resources a great deal as they are very catchy and well planned.
I look forward to your feedback. Thank you.
Hi Florence,
Thank you for your kind words. I want to wish you best of luck with your class of three year olds. I think many of our free printables will be great for this group.