Baby birds come from eggs except if – picture book fun from Jim Averbeck
except if written and illustrated by Jim Averbeck
Picture book published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers

except if is a playful, unpredictable picture book that challenges the reader to avoid making assumptions and to use his or her imagination. Bold illustrations provide clues and, just as we think we have solved a mystery, they surprise us with unexpected results. An egg that is just about to hatch must surely hold a young bird – or does it?
An egg is not a baby bird,
but it will become one
except if
it becomes a baby snake
who will slither along the ground on its belly
except if
Very well suited to reading aloud, Jim Averbeck’s picture book will be enjoyed by youngsters aged three and up.
Follow-up activities could include having children create their own cracked eggs and surprising hatchlings.