Posted on January 30th, 2011 by Carolyn Hart

My Sister Gracie – Written and illustrated by Gillian Johnson
Picture book published by Tundra Books

Fabio, an “only” dog, longs for a brother. He dreams of exploring a park, sharing a bone and playing together with his new buddy. Imagine Fabio’s surprise when his new brother is a sister – and not at all like the playful puppy he envisioned. Thankfully, teasing neighborhood dogs help Fabio appreciate and love his newly adopted sister, Gracie.
32 pages, recommended for children aged 3 to 5
My Sister Gracie at
My Sister Gracie at
You may also be interested in our page titled “Diversity.” We highlight picture books and chapter books that celebrate and inform us about human diversity including learning disabilities, physical disabilities, allergies, single parent families, interracial families, same sex parents, aging, death and more.
Don’t miss our page of quotes about diversity.
Posted on December 5th, 2008 by Carolyn Hart
The First Rule of Little Brothers written by Jill Davis, illustrated by Sarah McMenemy
Picture book published by Knopf Books for Young Readers

Oh dear, life can be awfully complicated when a younger brother or sister arrives on the scene. Before long, favourite toys are grabbed, tall towers are destroyed and ‘me too’ is an oft-heard phrase. For older children who are learning to get along with a little brother or sister, this picture book will ring true and inject some humor and insight into the experience.
One day I built the Empire State Building with blocks. It was huge! Taller than me! Then Bro-zilla walked into the room. CRASH!
Bright, colorful illustrations depict the two boys as they grow up. Good fun!
The First Rule of Little Brothers at
The First Rule of Little Brothers at